
Submission raises environmental concerns over planned aquatic centre in Knocknacarra


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Submission raises environmental concerns over planned aquatic centre in Knocknacarra

This article first appeared on Galway Bay FM

A detailed submission has raised a litany of environmental concerns over a planned aquatic centre in Knocknacarra.

The Regional Aquatic Centre project would be based at a site accessed from Altán Road and Millers Lane.

The new centre has been on the cards for years – but it’s been a bumpy road with many setbacks.

The current plans are led by non-profit company Forbairt Snamh Thiar, and are funded by private donors.

The vision for the centre includes a competition standard swimming pool with spectator area, sauna and steam rooms, a multi functional sports court and a gym.

In a detailed submission, the Kingston Environmental Group notes the 0.87 hectare former farmland and pasture site has an abundance of trees, hedgerows, ecological features and habitats.

It also states this is just one small part of a much bigger vacant site consisting of 7.5 hectares, and other planning applications appear imminent.

The group claims there’s been substantial ‘re-wilding’ of the area over the past 20 years, creating a unique, rare and valuable regrown natural wilderness in an urban setting.

Although their issues are varied and not just limited to the environment, their main consideration is ensuring optimal ecological protection and preserving as much greenery and habitat as possible.

They warn such spaces are vitally important in densely populated areas, and once lost, can never be recovered.

City planners are due to make a decision shortly.


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