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Hollywood’s casting call for movie extras in Galway


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Hollywood’s casting call for movie extras in Galway Hollywood’s casting call for movie extras in Galway

A casting call has been issued in the city for hundreds of ‘extras’ to take part in filming the big-screen fairytale thriller, The Watchers.

As revealed by the Galway City Tribune earlier this month, filming for the project is to get underway on Quay Street in late August and the production company behind the blockbuster is looking for locals to take part.

TJ Duffy, Extras Coordinator for The Watchers told this newspaper that he was anxious to get as many people from the city as possible involved in the film starring Dakota Fanning.

“We will be looking for hundreds of extras to fill the streets and make it look like a full city scape,” said Mr Duffy.

While the full film schedule hadn’t been finalised, he said they would be on location in mid- to late-August.

However, the Galway City Tribune understands that Quay Street, Kirwan’s Lane and Cross Street will be transformed into a film set for three days from August 23.

This is a shortened preview version of this story. To read the rest of the article and for how to apply, see the July 21 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can support our journalism and buy a digital edition HERE.

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