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Efforts to save Pieta from closure

Strenuous efforts are being made to save the Pieta House centre in Tuam which is set for closure – much to the frustration from those who used the therapy services.

There have been suggestions that the services be moved to the Tuam Primary Care Centre but it is felt that the lack of privacy may result in an uncomfortable situation for those who use the service.

The existing Pieta House is located in a private housing estate located off the Dunmore Road in Tuam but now that is due for closure which comes as a huge loss to those to avail of the service on a weekly basis.

Local Deputy Sean Canney has already sought a meeting with Pieta CEO CEO Stephanie Manahan to discuss this issue – and he called on Pietra to reverse their closure plan.

“The existing centre in Tuam is a fit for purpose facility funded by generous donations from across the region and used to good effect over the last eleven years and should be retained as the therapy centre for the region,” he said.

“This facility was funded from a huge fundraising effort by a committee lead by John Concannon and supported by people across the west of Ireland,” said Deputy Canney.

“The location is ideally located off the motorway and serves many counties across the region. It is a mystery to me why such a successful service is being closed for financial reasons when the facility was built by people’s donations at no cost to Pieta,” he added.

Newly-elected Cllr Shaun Cunniffe said it would be “a terrible loss” to the town of Tuam – and it would be very difficult to find an alternative location for the sensitive service that it provides.

It is understood that rent increases are partly to blame for its impending closure but the lack of funding from the public is also said to be a contributory factor.

Pieta House provides a 24-hour service with a range of counselling services for those who are suicidal, engage in self-harm or who are bereaved by suicide.

“This has been as brilliant service and much-needed within the community,” said Cllr Cunniffe.

“We cannot allow it to close as there are people’s lives dependent on it.

“If it takes government intervention, then so be it but it has to keep operating as it is a vital service,” Cllr Cunniffe added.

Pictured: Cllr Shaun Cunniffe at the Pieta House centre in Tuam which is due to close. Photo: Jacinta Fahy Photography.

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