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Residents demand action on parking congestion near Westwood complex


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Residents demand action on parking congestion near Westwood complex Residents demand action on parking congestion near Westwood complex

From this week’s Galway City Tribune – A city councillor has called for a number of measures to be put in place to ease parking congestion issues near the Westside student accommodation complex which are posing problems for local residents and service vehicles.

Cllr Eddie Hoare told the Galway City Tribune that residents in the Tudor Lawn, Clifton Park and adjoining estates were now facing regular congestion issues with very restricted parking available at the student complex.

He said that he had been touch with the City Council as regards the provision of new road markings (mostly double yellow lines) in the affected estates to enable the traffic wardens to have more control over parking in those areas.

“At the core of the problem is the very restricted parking availability that’s provided at the complex while a number of open areas there could also be made available for parking,” said Cllr Hoare.

He also pointed out that students at the complex would also have access to permit parking on the University of Galway locations at Corrib Village and at the Dangan sports grounds.

“There are serious concerns about the parking congestion in the estates close to the student complex, and especially so, if emergency services need to access the area.”
This is a shortened preview version of this story. To read the rest of the article, and support our journalism, see the November 4 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can buy a digital edition HERE.

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