
Kinvara gathering to celebrate Brigit


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Kinvara gathering to celebrate Brigit Kinvara gathering to celebrate Brigit

Kinvara will celebrate the spirit of Brigit next Monday, February 3, with a colourful procession through the village. Starting from St Joseph’s National School, it will make its down to the Quay, accompanied by drumming and string music.

There will be music, poetry and song at the Quay, performed by special guests, while a specially designed floating installation will be launched.

“We want to celebrate all the Brigits; the bold compassionate saint and abbess of Kildare, guardian of the oak tree and keeper of the eternal flame, protector of the hearth, the harvest and of new life,” says a spokesperson for the Kinvara Area Visual Artists group, which is organising the event for the St Brigid’s Bank Holiday.

Participants will also reach further back in time to celebrate Brigit the Brehon lawmaker and Brigit the Triple Goddess of Healing, Poetry and Smithcraft (first referred to in the ninth-century Sanas Chormaic – Cormac’s Glossary).

Monday’s event will focus mostly on Brigit the Healer and will be dedicated to healers everywhere, especially to the healthcare workers of Palestine.

Anyone who wants to take part should be at St Joseph’s NS at 4pm on Monday and people are invited to dress up if they wish. Or they could make crown of rosemary or other foliage with fairy lights to wear on their heads. Participants are equally welcome to come just as they are, and are asked to bring a candle.

Light refreshments will be available afterwards in the community centre.

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