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Funding awaited to make busiest roundabout safe


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Funding awaited to make busiest roundabout safe Funding awaited to make busiest roundabout safe

Galway City Council is waiting for national funding approval before it can proceed with making the busiest roundabout in the city — Browne Roundabout in Newcastle — safe.

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) allocated funding last year to the local authority to design new pedestrian and cycle crossings on three arms of the roundabout — at the R338 (Seamus Quirke Road), Old Seamus Quirke Road and University Hospital Galway Access Road.

City Hall confirmed to the Galway City Tribune this week that it was now awaiting funding to go ahead and construct the project.

“This is an important project that will improve road safety for all road users, particularly on the busy Seamus Quirke Road. The current crossing at this point is inadequate to cater for the volume of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles using this junction,” a spokesperson for Galway City Council said.

Councillors recommended in February of last year that the project design should go to public consultation, which included an information event at Westside Library last March.

The public and interested parties were invited to make submissions, and design work was progressed on the scheme in 2024 in consultation with TII.

“Galway City Council requires TII approval and funding to complete the detailed design works, tender process and construction phase for this project and is awaiting the TII notification of grant allocations for 2025.

“It is expected to progress the scheme to construction in 2025 subject to TII approval and funding,” a Council spokesperson added.

Pictured: The Browne Roundabout area close to the rear entrance/exit at UHG: new pedestrian and cycle crossings are planned. Photo: Joe O’Shaughnessy.

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