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Concern over driving test centre move from Westside


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Concern over driving test centre move from Westside Concern over driving test centre move from Westside

Galway West TD, John Connolly said he was ‘concerned’ at suggestions the Road Safety Authority will close its Driving Test Centre in Westside – delivering a further blow to the local shopping centre.

The Fianna Fáil Dáil Deputy said he was contacted by constituents fearful that the RSA was planning to shut its base at Westside Shopping Centre and move it to an alternative location.

He submitted a Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Transport about the fears but has yet to get clarity.

“To date I have received no response, and I have had a number of constituents express concerns to me that the operation of the existing test centre in the Westside could come to a close.

“Any suggestion that the test centre would be moved from the West of the City would be of significant concern. The centre serves a large and widely spread population extending into Conamara. The situation with traffic in Galway City should require a testing centre in the West of the City,” said Deputy Connolly.

Martin Divilly Butchers has already closed its doors at Westside, with the owners Martin and Audrey Divilly retiring but also citing the ‘nonsense’ with the loss of car parking associated with a new residential development for students.

The 240-bed, seven storey accommodation complex, preliminary work on which has started, will result in the removal of 94 spaces from the carpark of the Westside Shopping Centre.

Pictured: Deputy John Connolly: Testing centre needed on west of city.


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