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Community activist Donal pays the bills for defibrillator!


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Community activist Donal pays the bills for defibrillator! Community activist Donal pays the bills for defibrillator!

Community activist Donal Lynch’s job as a health care assistant in the HSE is not his only local endeavour.

Having lived in Galway for over 25 years, Donal has become deeply involved and connected to his local community in Galway, primarily through his role as chair of the Merlin Residents’ Association.

The Residents’ Association does lots of different work around the community, says Donal, with their main event being a big family fun day each year.

Along with that, they also organise local clean ups, native tree plantings, and have recently developed a natural wildflower meadow which “is producing great results this year”, according to Donal.

But the true “lifesaver” that Donal has helped bring to the community is a local AED (Automated External Defibrillator) installed on the outside wall of his own house at Sruthán Mhuirlinne.

Installed last year with money from a grant from Galway City Council, the defibrillator’s electricity is now paid for by Donal.

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