
A jaunty ride into world of ‘chasers and gammy jackets’

Country Living with Francis Farragher

One of the possibly more dubious benefits of a move to the ‘metropolis’ of Tuam back around 1970 was the introduction to what seemed at the time to be a new language. For most of us who descended into the town for our initiation ceremonies to second-level education, it didn’t take too long for us to realise that when we were referred to as ‘buffs’ or ‘buffers’, it wasn’t exactly a complimentary term.

Maybe there wasn’t a lot of malice in the description – it just meant that we originated from outside the town boundary and we were ‘country lads’, but as the weeks passed a whole new vocabulary came our way.

Slang of course is not unique to Tuam and is found in practically all countries and corners of the world where there are plays on language on words.

One of my favourite local ones is from an ex-barman who on hearing some gem of wisdom that you had passed on would deliver this very doubled edged compliment: “God you’re nearly as smart as a person.”

A few years back, I remember glancing through a book written by a David Crystal and one that was very aptly titled to – “BY HOOK OR BY CROOK” – in which he traced back the origins of famous phrases or slang expressions that are now an everyday part of the English language.

That phrase dates back to the 12th century when Norman invader Strongbow (there always seemed to be somebody attacking us!) sailed into Waterford Harbour and viewed the Church of Crook on one side and the Tower of Crook on the other. Determined to ‘take’ the harbour he said that this aim would be achieved ‘by hook or . . .’  yes you’ve guessed it.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune:

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