

Galway In Days Gone By


Flu that floors

The influenza which has been raging throughout the West of Ireland, and, indeed, throughout the country generally, is particularly severe and disconcerting in its after effects.

In most cases, the patient is stricken down suddenly but a couple of days in bed appears to affect a cure. As a matter of fact, the fever continues for ten days or a fortnight after the disease seems to have been conquered.

This is medically known as the sequelae period, and the convalescence is quite as prolonged in virulent epidemics.

Patients are in some cases actually worse during the recuperative period than while in the acute stages of the disease, dizziness of the head and general lassitude being amongst the symptoms.

So far, the doctors do not appear to have provided any effective cure. Hot drinks and a period in bed, with care afterwards, appear to be the general prescription.

Patients recovering from the ‘flu, however, should be exceedingly careful as the epidemic which has resulted in so many people being absent from their work for days, may have the effect of crippling the individual attacked for months for years.

Pictured: Halla Pádraig Ladies Club members who took part in the Inter Clubs Talent Competition at the Dominican Hall, Claddagh on November 19, 1986. In front are Anne Roddy, left, and Julie Lyons. Seated, from left: Lesley Lohan, Bernie Commins, Jean O’Connor, Club President, Rozanne Walsh and Theresa Forde. Standing, from left: Mary Sheerin, Mary Kate Fahy, Bernie Keville, Josephine Donlon, Mary McSweeney, Bridie Kelly, Bridie Scully, Josephine Blakely and Aggie Lally.

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