
Appeal to An Bord Pleanala over plans to demolish replica cottage in Claddagh and replace with homes


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Appeal to An Bord Pleanala over plans to demolish replica cottage in Claddagh and replace with homes

This article first appeared on Galway Bay FM

An appeal has been lodged with An Bord Pleanala against plans to demolish a replica cottage in Claddagh to make way for two new homes.

The cottage, known as “Katie’s Cottage”, is a replica of a traditional Claddagh thatched cottage, and originally opened as a tourist attraction.

In September 2023, permission was granted for an extensive new home at the site at Fairhill Road Upper that would’ve integrated the cottage into the overall design.

But those original plans went to An Bord Pleanala after local residents lodged objections on various grounds, including the scale and design.

And by the time approval was eventually forthcoming, the project was described as being no longer viable due to the protracted nature of the appeal and rampant construction inflation.

In December, completely different plans were approved by city planners – this time looking to demolish the cottage and built two detached houses on the site.

And once again, locals have taken an appeal to An Bord Pleanala – with a decision due later this year.

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