
An Bord Pleanala refuses permission for new vet clinic near Clifden


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An Bord Pleanala refuses permission for new vet clinic near Clifden

This article first appeared on Galway Bay FM

An Bord Pleanala has refused permission for a new vet clinic near Clifden.

The plans were first approved by county planners – but local residents took an appeal to the higher planning authority.

The new clinic and yard would’ve been located on a site at Ardbear, around 700m south of Clifden.

Permission was granted in April last year by county planners, with a hefty 24 conditions attached.

But local residents took an appeal to An Bord Pleanala on a number of grounds.

They included the design and layout being inappropriate for the location, and potential traffic issues on a local road near a junction with a regional road.

An Bord Pleanala has now ruled the project cannot go ahead – mainly due to wastewaster concerns, as well as potential impact on conservation sites

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