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Warning to pet owners after ‘fatberg’ washes up at Silverstrand


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Warning to pet owners after ‘fatberg’ washes up at Silverstrand Warning to pet owners after ‘fatberg’ washes up at Silverstrand

Dog owners are being warned to keep their pets on a lead on city beaches after a suspected palm oil ‘fatberg’ washed up on Silverstrand last weekend.

The heavy congealed lump of fat was spotted by Knocknacarra resident Megan Gordon who managed to remove it, with some assistance, fearing the risk to animals that can become violently ill after contact with fatbergs.

These blob-like items, which look like candlewax, emit a putrid diesel smell – a telltale sign that the main component is palm oil.

Palm oil is used on various vessels for cooking purposes or in food processing.

The fatbergs pose a risk to animals on two fronts – through ingestion when the oil can lodge in their throats, or through contact poisoning as they are often covered in a deadly layer of bacteria.

The source of the fatberg is unknown, but according to local Councillor Níall McNelis who has reported the find to the City Council’s Environment Department, it is suspected that it was dumped from a cruise or cargo ship.

This is a shortened preview version of this story. To read the rest of the article, see the October 6 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can support our journalism and buy a digital edition HERE.

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