
Tricks to avoid throwing hormones off kilter

Health, Beauty and Lifestyle with Denise McNamara

We are all hearing so much about how important hormones are for our general health and wellbeing.  They are also notoriously difficult to regulate. But there are things that we can do in our everyday habits that will avoid disrupting our hormones, according to Mike Kocsis at BalancemyHormones.

Hitting Snooze

Hitting the snooze button on your alarm may seem like a good idea at the time however, its likely to be detrimental to your day.

When you wake, the sleep hormone melatonin begins to decrease whilst the body’s levels of cortisol rise. The increase in cortisol encourages the body to wake and feel energetic for the day and sparks the release of serotonin, adrenaline, and dopamine, explains Mike.

“When you hit snooze, you are postponing your wake window. As a result, the brain doesn’t signal the body to release the hormones that motivate us to feel alert for the day ahead. “Delaying the release of Serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline will ensure that we feel tired for longer. As a result, when pressing snooze, we are increasing the feelings of tiredness as opposed suppressing it.”

So, avoid the temptation for another ten and instead throw back the duvet and jump out of that bed. With the weather turning, that’s all the easier. It may just signal a remarkable new day, new week, new month.

Checking Emails

Grabbing your phone first thing is now something many of us are guilty of.

The work from home culture has blurred the lines between the start and the end of the working day, often leading to people checking their emails as soon as they wake. This may seem like a way to get ahead of the day however, its often throwing your hormones off balance.

Pictured: Binge watching TV can play havoc with your hormones

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