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Rector celebrates 25th anniversary of ordination


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Rector celebrates 25th anniversary of ordination Rector celebrates 25th anniversary of ordination

Last weekend marked a milestone for the rector of St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church in Galway – as she celebrated 25 years since her ordination.

The Very Reverend Lynda Peilow celebrated with a potluck dinner which was held following the sung Sunday sermon.

Rev Peilow has been the rector of St Nicholas’ Church since 2018, where she became the first female rector of the church in its 700-year history.

She has played an important role in maintaining the Church and its grounds, while also performing regular services in the city.

The Offaly-born Reverend was the youngest in the Church of Ireland when she was ordained priest at the age of 24, in Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin. Since then, she has gone on to become Provost of Tuam, Precentor of St. Mary’s Limerick, and the Central Director of Ordinands.

For Rev Peilow, the selection process for becoming a priest was rigorous.

“You had to meet the academic standards for Trinity College at the time, which were obviously quite high. This was followed by three years in college, which also involved placements.

“I didn’t naturally embrace it initially and I was unsure, but once I fully embraced it, I felt an incredible peace.”

(Photo by Joe O’Shaughnessy: Provost Lynda Peilow with Bishop Paul Colton at the celebration to mark the 25th anniversary of her Ordination to the Priesthood at St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church last Sunday).
This is a shortened preview version of this story. To read the rest of the article, see the October 13 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can support our journalism and buy a digital edition HERE.

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