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Public urged to get involved in measuring traffic pollution


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Public urged to get involved in measuring traffic pollution Public urged to get involved in measuring traffic pollution

The EPA is recruiting 500 citizen scientists to help measure traffic-related air pollution across Galway City.

It comes as the Environmental Protection Agency’s latest data for Eyre Square shows the quality of air in the city centre is consistently higher than World Health Organization (WHO) recommended guidelines.

As part of the Clean Air Together project, the EPA wants at least 500 people and businesses to register to participate in the citizen science initiative.

Those selected will get a small tube to measure Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in their area, which is mainly from cars, vans and trucks.

Sampling of the air pollutant that can have harmful effects on heart and lung health will be carried out during October.

Patrick Kenny, senior manager at the EPA Ambient Air Quality Unit, said the project was valuable for gathering information in Galway and for engaging people about air quality control.

He confirmed the latest full-year data at the real-time air quality monitoring station in Eyre Square had Nitrogen Dioxide levels at 17.6 micrograms per metre cubed.

This annual average for 2022 was below the EU legal limit of 40, but above the WHO guideline value of 10.

Mr Kenny said the EU was currently looking at moving towards WHO limits progressively, over time.

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