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Council “powerless” to remove abandoned boats from Claddagh Basin


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Council “powerless” to remove abandoned boats from Claddagh Basin Council “powerless” to remove abandoned boats from Claddagh Basin

From the Galway City Tribune – Galway City Council has claimed it is powerless to remove derelict and abandoned boats from Claddagh Basin.

A number of wrecks, located at Nimmo’s Pier, are causing an environmental hazard according to a local councillor who said despite their Instagram-friendly appearance, the vessels needed to be removed.

Cllr Níall McNelis (Lab) said he had made several queries to the Council about getting the boats removed, but the pleas had fallen on deaf ears as officials claimed the area was outside their control.

“They said that they had looked into it from a Lough Corrib Navigation Trust point of view and because of the Council’s legal status, they didn’t have the power to remove them.

“I’m disappointed with the response that I got because 15 years ago, shortly after I was elected to the Council, there was a similar issue and we managed to get it dealt with,” he said.

The boats were posing a risk to the public and the Council should make it a priority to have the matter dealt with, continued Cllr McNelis.

This is a shortened preview version of this article. To read the rest of this story and support our journalism, see the September 9 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can buy a digital edition HERE.

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