
Work on new pedestrian crossing on Salmon Weir Bridge to begin in August


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Work on new pedestrian crossing on Salmon Weir Bridge to begin in August

This article first appeared on Galway Bay FM

Plans are advancing for a new pedestrian crossing on the Salmon Weir Bridge.

It would be on the Cathedral side – and would facilitate people crossing to use the newer pedestrian and cyclist bridge.

The newer bridge was opened in May 2023 – and it’s now by far the most common crossing point, with over 13 thousand people passing over every day.

But, surveys show around 3 thousand people still use the old Salmon Weir Bridge.

This planned new pedestrian crossing aims to encourage the majority of those to switch to Droichead an Dóchais.

It’ll be a toucan crossing linked in with the city traffic light network rather than a zebra crossing.

A meeting this week heard the latter simply wouldn’t work when one person crosses the road every 10 seconds at peak times.

A public consultation will begin in the very near future – and it’s expected construction will begin around August

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