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Students in Galway to take part in global climate action ‘strike’


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Students in Galway to take part in global climate action ‘strike’ Students in Galway to take part in global climate action ‘strike’

Students from schools across Galway will join a global ‘strike’ day this week to highlight the impact of Climate Change.

Fridays for Future Galway is holding a climate protest at 1pm on Friday, March 3 in Eyre Square.

Local teenagers concerned about Government inaction on Climate Change will march with placards through Galway city centre to campaign for climate justice.

The strikes are inspired by climate activist, Greta Thunberg, a teenage environmentalist from Sweden who is known for challenging world leaders to take action to mitigate Climate Change.

This is the first Galway student climate strike since last October, when a large crowd gathered in Eyre Square.

It is part of a day of ‘global climate strikes’, involving schools all over the world on March 3.

“Let us show those in power that we will not stand back as they decimate our planet and future,” Fridays for Future Galway said.

Green Party Galway City Councillor Martina O’Connor said it was an important event to raise awareness.

“They’re keeping pressure for change at an individual level, at Government level and at international level,” she said.

“It’s the one issue young people are very exercised in. They understand it I think better than more mature people who are already set in their ways. They’re very well educated and they understand the science of it, and they know we need to act on climate sooner rather than later,” added Cllr O’Connor.

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