
New research puts a price on the unpaid hours worked on most Irish farms

IT’S a term that many West of Ireland farmers will not be familiar with – ‘the shadow wage’ – but according to a recent study by Teagasc and the University of Galway [UG], it will play an important part in the future of family farms.

The ‘shadow wage’ is the value that’s placed on the work done on the farm by family members – it puts a price on the economic value of unpaid labour such as household work, family labour or voluntary/community work.

Highlighted in the Teagasc/UG study is the necessity of family labour ‘in ensuring the continued viability and resilience of farms.

Carried out by two Teagasc researchers – Emma Dillon and Fiona Thorne – along with UG Research Associate, Luis Garcia-Covarrubias, the study also highlights the challenges in sourcing labour as well as the seasonal nature of such work.

A summary of the study – carried in the Autumn 2024 of the Teagasc TResearch magazine – puts a value estimate on the hours of unpaid labour that family members put into work on the farm.

The research has also pointed to the value of farmer training and education with farm operators who have undertaken formal agricultural training reporting higher levels of farm income.

Using data from the National Farm Survey, 2019, the study showed that the average shadow wage of farm family labour in Ireland [including the main operator] worked out at almost €31 per hour.

One of the researchers, Luis Garcia-Covarrubias from the University of Galway, noted that an increase in the proportion of hired labour on dairy farms had allowed them to expand their operations.

Pictured: Policies need to support the use of more hired labour. PHOTO CREDIT: AGRILAND.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune:

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