
Decadent seeks lists of the good things in life


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Decadent seeks lists of the good things in life Decadent seeks lists of the good things in life

Decadent Theatre’s production for this year’s Galway International Arts Festival is Every Brilliant Thing, a one-woman show starring the wonderful Galway actor, Clare Barrett.

As the play opens, she plays a child whose mother is suffering with complex mental health issues. After a serious incident, the child copes by starting to compose a list of every brilliant thing in the world.

The list takes on different forms and purposes throughout the character’s life as she grows up and faces different challenges.

Every Brilliant Thing is directed by Andrew Flynn, Decadent’s Artistic Director, who describes it as “brilliant, moving and uplifting”.

It will run from July 17-30 and, with rehearsals ongoing, Andrew is asking people for their input.

“As part of the production, I’m asking people to compile their own personal list of 10 things they love about the world,” he says.

These don’t have to be ranked from one to 10; all that’s needed is a list of 10 things you love about the world and being alive.

These can be as simple as sunshine, coffee, pizza, hurling, ice cream or walking.

Or they can be a little more comprehensive, maybe ‘jumping in to the sea on a warm day’ , ‘listening to Ed Sheeran’, or ‘the first day of summer holidays’ .

It’s just a list of things that make the world a better place for you, Andrew explains. These will come into play during the show, when the character interacts – in a relaxed and natural way – with the audience.

People can email their list of 10 brilliant things (not numbered) to


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