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Aran takes delivery of new ambulance – boosted by highly-trained volunteers

The Aran Islands last week welcomed delivery of a new ambulance – and a highly qualified new group of volunteer islanders to improve emergency response services on the islands.

The group of volunteer islanders received Emergency First Responder Certificates and Emergency Services Driving Certificates from the HSE’s National Ambulance Service (NAS) at a special presentation held at the Community Hall on Inis Mór.

The volunteers, co-ordinated by Ronan Mac Giollapharaic, recently completed the Emergency First Responder course and Level One of the Emergency Services Driving Certificate and were presented with their certificates by John Joe McGowan, NAS General Manager Operations – West and Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer (REO), HSE West and North West.

The event also marked the delivery of a new ambulance vehicle to the island to replace an older vehicle.

The new vehicle was supplied by NAS which has made a significant investment in training and equipping the islanders as part of our planning for medical emergencies.

Tony Canavan, REO, HSE West and North West told guests that the country’s health services are going through a significant change at the moment, ‘and hopefully significant improvement as well’.

“I think one of the things that really strikes me is that it’s not going to be possible for the HSE to make those improvements and to continue to deliver care in the way that we want to if we try do it on our own, we must do it in a partnership way,” he said.

“And this is an example of how our health services can achieve progress; when hospital, community and the national ambulance services come together and work with the broader community to provide healthcare at the right time and in the right place.

“By working in partnership with islands and with communities such as Inis Mór, we can extend the reach of healthcare. It’s a good example of not just presenting services to people on a take it or leave it basis but working actively with people as partners in their own healthcare,” he added.

John Joe McGowan, NAS General Manager Operations – West, expressed his delight at presenting Emergency First Responder Certificates to the group.

“They are making a real difference on this island and the National Ambulance Service is delighted to support them and all their work as First Responders providing assistance to their fellow islanders and visitors to Inis Mór when they need it. They are a very valuable resource and deserve great credit for their efforts,” he said.

He also said that the provision of a new ambulance on the island was very welcome and that it was a valuable resource for the entire community.

Speaking on behalf of the Inis Mór Emergency First Responders group Ronan Mac Giollapharaic thanked the National Ambulance Service for all the support it has given to the group and he very much welcomed the arrival of our new ambulance.

“It is great to be involved with the EFR group and I want to thank each and every one of the volunteers for the work they do and for becoming involved,” he added.

And fittingly Aran’s retired GP Dr Marion Broderick accepted a certificate of appreciation from NAS to the local community acknowledging the many years of voluntary service islanders have given to support the emergency services.

Pictured at the official handover of Aran’s new ambulance were (from left) John McShane, Community First Responder Officer; Irene Scully, Assistant Staff Officer; Brian Crammer, Training Officer; Johnny Dicker, Head of Service Fleet and Assets; Gabriel Glynn, Operational Support & Resilience Manager; Bridin McGowan, Ambulance Officer; JJ McGowan, General Manager Operations – West; Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer, HSE West and North West; Christine Boyle, Business Support and Ivan O’Grady, Training Officer.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune:

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