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SIPTU staff take to streets to highlight concerns over HSE staffing levels

Health workers in Tuam organised a protest outside the town’s Primary Care Centre recently – to highlight the need for safe staffing levels and investment in recruitment in the health sector locally.

The protest, involving dozens of health workers, members, of SIPTU, heard calls for the HSE to engage with health workers and their representatives to hear their concerns – particularly on staffing levels in various sectors throughout the county.

Sinn Fein councillor and Galway East general election candidate, Louis O’Hara, said that Government and the HSE must engage with worker’s unions to ensure that there are safe staffing levels and investment in recruitment in the health service.

The Athenry-based candidate was speaking after attending the protest held by healthcare workers outside Tuam Primary Care Centre over the HSE’s new ‘Pay and Numbers Strategy.’

“I was proud to stand with healthcare workers in Tuam protesting the HSE’s ‘Pay and Numbers Strategy.’ This strategy will result in thousands of vacant posts in our health service being abolished and left unfilled,” he said.

“Understaffing is having a serious impact on delivery of healthcare services, with patients left waiting even longer for the care, assessment and treatment they need.

“Staff are also put in a very difficult position trying to provide patient care with unsafe staffing levels and being asked to constantly work overtime to cover the gaps that exist.

“Government and the HSE must engage with unions and ensure that we have safe staffing levels and investment in recruitment in our health service,” he added.

SIPTU Sector Organiser Damian Ginley said the new recruitment policy will have a “detrimental” impact on services.

He said members are concerned that despite record levels of investment in the health service, many key front-line roles are still left vacant.

“We want to engage with HSE management about staffing needs when they arise, not face a situation where managers are restricted by a rigid policy, even when there is a clear, demonstrable need for more staff.”

SIPTU health care worker, Irene Tiernan was part of the protest in Tuam. She said that without adequate staffing, the HSE is jeopardising the quality of care that patients receive.

While the well-attended protest outside the Tuam Primary Care Centre was held on Friday week, it was 24 hours before Taoiseach Simon Harris flew into town on Saturday to launch Cllr Pete Roche’s election campaign for Galway East.

During a brief half hour walk around the town on Saturday, the Taoiseach made no reference to the protest or the poor staffing levels in the health sector.

He also refused to speculate on a date for the General Election, brushing questions away with an assertion that it would be a matter for discussion with his coalition colleagues.

Pictured: Those participating in a  protest that  was held outside Tuam Primary Care Centre voicing opposition to the HSE’s ‘Pay and Numbers Strategy’. Sinn Fein’s Cllr Louis O’Hara is pictured at the protest.

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