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No céad míle fáilte as restaurant turns air blue with its new name!


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

No céad míle fáilte as restaurant turns air blue with its new name! No céad míle fáilte as restaurant turns air blue with its new name!

Galway hospitality businesses are known for extending a céad míle fáilte to visitors.

But one city centre restaurant’s name is far from welcoming – it spells “f*ck off” in Italian.

The Italian eatery on Eglinton Street opposite the General Post Office was renamed “Vaffanc*lo”, which translates in English as vulgar slang.

It is written in the colours of the Italian flag.

Though an asterisk was included, the name has caused a stir since it was changed from Zappis this winter.

One Tribune reader said it was an “insult” to the people of Galway, and it should not have been allowed.

“There are standards that must be adhered to. Imagine a high-profile individual, for example the Italian Ambassador to Ireland, visiting Galway and they see this on an Italian restaurant? It would not do any good for Galway.

“They probably think it is hilarious, but it is an insult,” he said.

The restaurant, formerly Zappis, has included the new name on its windowfront, and included it in its social media accounts.

The restaurant did not respond to a request for comment.

Pictured: The newly named Italian restaurant on Eglinton Street.


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