
Inishbofin remains only Galway area on EPA ‘Remedial Action List’


Inishbofin remains only Galway area on EPA ‘Remedial Action List’

Inishbofin was once again the only Galway area on the Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘Remedial Action List’ at the end of last year.

It’s a register of public water supplies that are in need of corrective action.

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The EPA report for 2023 shows that our water quality is very good – with 99.7 percent of samples taken nationwide within safe limits.

But 561-thousand people were still served by ‘at risk’ public water last year, an increase of 80-thousand on the year before.

Inisboffin was the only place in Galway that remained on the RAL by the end of last year, as it was at the end of 2022.

There’s no date for when the situation affecting 156 people might be remedied, as Uisce Eireann is still drawing up an action plan.

Meanwhile, there were issues in other parts of the county within the year.

There were trihalomethane failures in Gort and Carraroe, with boil water notices in both areas, as well as several other parts of the county.

Overall, the EPA says there was an increase in the number of long-term boil water notices nationwide last year.


The post Inishbofin remains only Galway area on EPA ‘Remedial Action List’ appeared first on Galway Bay FM.

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