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Work begins on upgrades to Galway City water supply


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Work begins on upgrades to Galway City water supply Work begins on upgrades to Galway City water supply

From the Galway City Tribune – Works to improve the Galway City Public Water Supply Scheme commenced this week.

Irish Water, working with Galway City Council, started construction of a replacement water intake and associated transfer water main along the banks of the River Corrib.

The company said the works at Dyke Road will ensure a safer and more secure water supply for more than 80,000 residential and business customers in Galway City and surrounding areas.

It said the completion of the intake and transfer water main will ensure that when water levels run low in the River Corrib, that water production at the Terryland Water Treatment Plant will be able to continue as normal.

(Photo: The construction site on the Dyke Road for the improvement works).

This is a shortened preview version of this article. To read the rest of this story, see the September 2 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can buy a digital edition HERE.

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