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Public to have their say on proposed new cycle lanes


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Public to have their say on proposed new cycle lanes Public to have their say on proposed new cycle lanes

Submissions on the proposed new cycle and pedestrian facilities for Bóthar Stiofáin – which links the Western Distributor Road and the Rahoon Road – can be made to Galway City Council up until March 8.

The aim of the project, along the 870-metre stretch of roadway, is to improve safety, reduce vehicle speeds, as well as making the route far more accessible for cyclists and pedestrians.

Raised two-metre-wide cycle tracks are to be provided on each side of Bóthar Stiofáin which will require some ‘land take’ from the eastern side – the new width of the entire road, including the cycle lanes, will be 14 metres.

The road has been identified in the Galway Transport Strategy as a ‘Primary Cycle Route’ and is now being progressed by the City Council as a Part 8 (local authority development) planning project.

Local councillors have welcomed the proposed development which will service housing estates, the Gateway Shopping Park, Gaelscoil Mhic Amhlaigh and Galway Bohs soccer club.

“This is a very exciting project for this area. The funding is in place to provide the facility and once the public consultation process is complete, we’d all like to see work proceeding as quickly as possible,” said Cllr Niall McNelis.

According to Cllr Donal Lyons, the project – along with greatly improving pedestrian and cycling facilities – would also help to slow down traffic on the road with a number of traffic calming measures also to be incorporated into the scheme.

Submissions on the project can be posted to the Planning Department, Galway City Council, College Road, or emailed to: by 4pm on March 8.

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