
Natura farm group seeks ‘crucial amendment’ to EU bill

THE Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association (INHFA) has written to Irish MEPs, TDs and Senators seeking what they describe as  ‘a crucial amendment’ to the EU’s Nature Restoration Law (NRL).

With the European Parliament set to sign off on the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) this February, the INHFA amendment seeks to replace ‘compulsory involvement’ with the words ‘voluntary engagement’ in the legislation.

Vincent Roddy, President of the INHFA, said this week that the proposed EU law ‘in its current form poses a direct threat’ to the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) payments.

He said that the assessment by INHFA of the impact of the proposed new European law was based on an analysis of the compromise document on Nature Restoration which was agreed last November.

“Article 9 (4), of the new law implies by definition that all drained agricultural peat soils are needing restoration which means that on the day the law comes into force the legal status of this land will change to being officially not in good environmental condition,” said Vincent Roddy.

He added that the reality of this new EU legislation – if passed in its current format – would represent a major threat to securing CAP payments as eligibility for these payments was subject to the lands being in ‘Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC).

Vincent Roddy said that now was the time to ensure that this crucial amendment was put in place to secure the future of Irish family farms. The proposed INHFA amendment states:

“The obligation for Member States (MS) to achieve the restoration target in the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) shall not imply an obligation for farmers to restore, re-establish or rewet their agricultural land.

Pictured: Vincent Roddy: Amendment ‘crucial’ to future CAP payments.  

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune:

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