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Galway Hospice community nurse among the heroes to feature in new TG4 series

One of the dedicated palliative nursing team at Galway Hospice has been thrust into the limelight in a new television series that turns the focus on those who make caring for others a vocation.

Cúramóirí shines a spotlight on the incredible work of carers, volunteers, professional carers and organisations providing care to those in need across Ireland.

The series, which started last Tuesday on TG4, celebrates these selfless individuals who go above and beyond to care for others, recognizing them as the unsung heroes of our communities.

And among them is Úna O’Kane, a community palliative care nurse at Galway Hospice.

Una works closely with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals to create tailored care plans that meet individual needs and preferences.

Through her expertise and experience, Una helps patients and their families navigate the difficult journey of living with a life-limiting illness.

She provides emotional support, practical advice, and a comforting presence during what can be a challenging time for all involved.

Una’s commitment to providing high-quality, compassionate care is evident in everything she does – a shining example of what it means to be a dedicated healthcare professional.

The series also features for Dáil Deputy, Dr Jerry Cowley who has been instrumental in the development of St Brendan’s Village in his native Mulranny in North Mayo.

Saint Brendan’s offers a combination of low, medium, and high support residential care units to cater to the diverse needs of residents. The facilities include 16 low support units, as well as a High Support Nursing Unit with communal spaces for social activities.

But Saint Brendan’s is more than just a care facility – it is a warm and welcoming community that is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support for people in the area.

However as a non-profit, charitable organisation and at present St Brendan’s are fighting to keep the doors open.

Cúramóirí also features volunteers who provide food for the homeless and hungry, foster carers, some of Ireland’s half a million family carers and many more who just give of their time and energy to make life a little easier for others.

■ Produced by Aniar TV, Cúramóirí goes out on TG4 on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm.

Pictured: Úna O’Kane…palliative care nurse at Galway Hospice.



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