Free concert celebrating French music and poetry
Author: Judy Murphy
~ 2 minutes read
From this week's Galway City Tribune
ConTempo Quartet are performing at the University of Galway next Thursday, March 28, as part of the university’s Arts in Action’s season for 2023-4. The concert, starting at 1pm in the O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance, will celebrate the music and poetry of French composers.
For the event, presented by the Galway Music Residency, ConTempo will perform Gabriel Fauré’s only string quartet. This sublime, otherworldly work was written in 1924, shortly before the composer’s death. He had resisted writing for the instrumentation for most of his life, believing the form was too difficult.
Writing to his wife, he said: “I’ve started a Quartet for strings, without piano. This is a genre which Beethoven in particular made famous and causes all those who are not Beethoven to be terrified of it”. Despite his fears, the work has since become known for its ethereal beauty.
The programme also features movements from Debussy’s only string quartet, a dreamy, Impressionist work. The piece, which he wrote in 1892, marked a move away from traditional quartet structure into a new style. Thursday’s event will also feature his poetic works, with readings from his Proses Lyriques. These will be read in the original French, followed by English translations.
Entry to the concert is free and all are welcome. Donations are welcome. No booking is required.
For further information, visit
Pictured: The ConTempo Quartet: Bogdan Sofei, Ingrid Nicola, Adrian Mantu and Andreea Banciu. PHOTO: JULIA DUNIN.
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