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Council’s threat to pull club’s licence after members added splash of colour!


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Council’s threat to pull club’s licence after members added splash of colour! Council’s threat to pull club’s licence after members added splash of colour!

A Galway City soccer club was sent a letter from Galway City Council threatening to revoke its licence – because it painted its clubhouse.

Corrib Rangers Football Club was reprimanded by City Hall after members painted the clubhouse in Westside in traditional orange and black colours associated with its home jersey.

Councillor Mike Cubbard (Ind) said the threat that the club could lose its licence agreement to use the Council-owned facilities was heavy handed.

Cllr Cubbard said it was ironic the shower facilities at the clubhouse were not working properly for 20 years.

“But when the club puts a lick of paint on it, the City Council are up in arms about it,” he fumed.

Cllr Cubbard claimed the Council was trying to make it difficult for sports clubs, and asked: “Are you anti sport?”

He said Corrib Rangers should not have been threatened for trying to improve the facility. The Council should instead fix the toilet and shower facilities, he added.

Correspondence to the club suggested the paint job had breached its licensing agreement. The Council ordered the club to reinstate the clubhouse to its previous condition and remove the club crest from the wall.

Patrick Greene, Director of Services for Recreation and Amenity and Sports Capital, denied the Council’s reaction was over the top.

He confirmed a letter issued but that was to ensure standards were maintained on all Council property licensed for use by clubs.

The clubhouse was not used by just one club, Mr Greene insisted, and there was a procedure for painting property, which must be agreed in advance.

“We need to make sure standards are kept. We are not trying to make it difficult, but we do have to keep a standard,” he said.

Councillors Cubbard, Eddie Hoare and Martina O’Connor met with club officials last Friday about the issue.

Meanwhile, Cllr Cubbard urged the Council to provide adequate toilet facilities at pitches to encourage more participation in sport.

He said funding was allocated to provide toilets at astro pitches in Westside, but they were not progressed.

“The lack of toilets poses significant challenges for the comfort and well-being of young people. It also undermines efforts to promote inclusivity and equity in sports participation. Communities across Galway are witnessing a growing number of children actively engaging in sports activities.

“It is therefore imperative that we address the infrastructure gaps that hinder their experience. The absence of accessible toilets not only inconveniences players and spectators but also presents health and safety risks, particularly for young girls,” he said.

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