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Villagers’ sadness at wanton damage to crib and Tidy Town planters over festive season

There were vandals on the warpath over the festive season in Oughterard with the crib, planters and wreaths targeted during late night high jinx.

Local resident Lucy Walsh secured grants, donations and put her own money into getting a crib for the village, which was erected with the help of the Tidy Towns committee.

The crib cost €1,700 in 2020 and has been a firm favourite with the public since it went up, first outside the Boat Inn and now the community centre. It has lights and music, accessed via a CD player inside.

She was devastated to discover on New Year’s Day that the Perspex protecting it against the elements had been destroyed the night before.

“So much effort has gone in to make this crib special for Oughterard. It’s so beautiful to just stop and listen to it. I was cheesed off when I saw what these young gurriers did,” she said.

“Thanks be to God the figureens weren’t touched, which makes me think this was the work of a person or people with a few too many jars on them.”

She had to source a new Perspex cover which cost €67.

“Whoever did this I’d like them to put up their hands and pay for that. That would be an incentive not to interfere with it again. I’m looking to see if I can get CCTV to see who was responsible,” she added.

The Oughterard Tidy Towns Committee were also annoyed to discover their flower beds had been damaged and the Christmas wreaths they had put up at the Highlander/ Mayfly Crossing were removed and thrown around the same time.

“They were probably mistaken for frisbees by some late-night revellers when they went to the bother of cutting them off their cable ties!” they said.

“We have ignored these spates of mindlessness in recent years but have little option but to report it to the Gardaí on this occasion – they will review available street CCTV,” remarked the member on the group’s social media page.

“If only our ‘helpers’ had the same energy and enthusiasm to step forward when we are weeding and sweeping the streets.”

Chairman Gerry Gibbons declined to comment further on the incident, saying Gardaí were investigating.

Pictured: Before and (right) after…Oughterard’s beloved crib before and after its vandalism.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune:

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