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Tuam regeneration plan will transform area blighted by dereliction

Tuam’s regeneration team is advancing plans to revive the ‘Station Quarter’ within the town centre by reusing historic buildings in an area blighted by dereliction.

Galway County Council will appoint an architect or urban designer-led team of consultants to develop a masterplan to regenerate the area near the old railway station.

They plan to capitalise on the expected reopening of the Western Rail Corridor by reviving the so called  ‘Station Quarter’ which is located 350 metres from Market Square in the town centre, connected by Vicar Street.

It is opposite a healthcare cluster, centred around ‘The Grove’ which provides mental health and disability services as well as the primary care and residential care centre.

“This area of the town centre, excluding the Station Quarter, has been significantly developed over recent years without the associated sustainable transportation infrastructure.

“The location of the Transportation Hub in the Station Quarter will improve accessibility to the existing health infrastructure and future proof the area for the potential reinstatement of the rail service linking Tuam by train to Galway City and the wider national rail network,” Galway County Council said.

This area of Tuam also houses the Tuam Community Training centre funded by the Probation Service and is adjacent to the Travellers Heritage and Resource centre.

“Galway County Council will work with Galway Rural Development to develop training and employment opportunities associated with the redevelopment to the quarter to add benefit to the local population especially those from the Traveller community who represent 7% of the total town population,” it said.

The local authority received THRIVE funding from the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Northern & Western Regional Programme to deliver the masterplan.

The need for this masterplan was identified in a 2021 Tuam Regeneration Masterplan by the County Council and Paul Hogarth Ltd.

Pictured: The area that will be the focus of the regeneration plan.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune:

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