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Galway Hospice

Dublin legends show their class to support former Galway goalkeeper

ARCH-ENEMIES they might have been on the hallowed turf of Croke Park on a September Sunday in 1974, but since then, a...

David Cox Friday Game fundraiser raises over €140,000 for Galway Hospice

Over €140,000 was raised at fundraising event for the Galway Hospice on Friday in memory of a man who devoted so much...

Hundreds turn out for Memorial Walk

For once, the Gods shone down on participants as hundreds snaked their way in sunshine along the shores of Galway Bay...

  • Galway Hospice LATEST

Sisters launch Sunflower Days to thank Hospice for help after their dad’s death

An entire school has rowed in behind two brave young Galway sisters, who know first-hand the great work done by Galway Hospice – because of the hel...

Sisters show their support for Hospice’s Christmas campaign

Two sets of sisters wore their finest festive red for the official launch of the Galway Hospice campaign – with all four having a special connectio...

Walking the Memorial Walk – from the very start

Nobody has a greater insight into the world that Galway Hospice do every day of the year than the centre’s own day care manager Lesley Carroll – an...

Brady helps Hospice achieve their goal!

The footballing renaissance of Irish football star Robbie Brady had an unexpected bonus for Galway Hospice this week – after the international midf...


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Dublin legends show their class to support former Galway goalkeeper
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