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Shops feel pinch from new student complex


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Shops feel pinch from new student complex Shops feel pinch from new student complex

Work has begun on the seven-storey student accommodation complex in the carpark of the Westside Shopping Centre and already it is impacting on trade.

Hoarding has been erected in the middle of the parking area at the front of the centre in preparation for the huge development.

The owner of Evergreen Healthfoods Store, Aideen Hurley, said they had noticed a significant drop-off in footfall over the last fortnight when it would traditionally be busier in the lead-in to Christmas.

“I can’t understand how it’s in the middle of the carpark. I had thought it would be on one side, but it’s completely cut off the parking.

“It has slowed a lot since the building started there a few weeks ago. Our customers are choosing to go elsewhere. Footfall is definitely down in the entire shopping centre. We’re lucky we have another store in Knocknacarra.”

Asked if the Galway chain would consider moving with the loss of 94 of the centre’s parking spaces, the business owner said they had little choice.

“We are renting the unit on a long-term lease so it’s not that easy to move. We would do if it was possible.”

Cllr Mike Cubbard said the student block was an issue that was raised repeatedly during the general election campaign trail.

“I was asked so many time how we could have let this happen. But the reality is we have no say. Even local planners have no say.

“Five local planners went up to An Bord Pleanála to outline why this was not a suitable development in the carpark – it’s completely out of character, it’s too big, it dwarfs the whole of the Westside Shopping Centre but it was approved,” he told the Galway City Tribune.

Pictured: How the new student accommodation complex being built in the carpark of the Westside Shopping Centre will look.

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