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Pressure on Galway City's ruling pact to move meetings back to Council Chamber


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Pressure on Galway City's ruling pact to move meetings back to Council Chamber Pressure on Galway City's ruling pact to move meetings back to Council Chamber

From this week’s Galway City Tribune – Fianna Fáil is piling pressure on the ‘ruling pact’ on Galway City Council to return meetings to City Hall at College Road.

One of the party’s five city councillors has urged the current mayor, and the incoming mayor, to agree to hold future meetings in the Council Chamber rather than in hotels.

During Covid-19, the City Council held their monthly meetings initially in Leisureland and then various hotels. The reason given was the Chamber was too small, and ventilation was poor.

Councillor Alan Cheevers said he would table a Notice of Motion that brings meetings back to City Hall.

He said it no longer makes sense to meet in hotels, and he wants the ruling pact (Fine Gael, Labour, Independents and Greens) to support his motion.

Cllr Cheevers said as far as he was aware all other local authorities in the country have returned to their meeting places.

“The whole thing is a joke. I rang asking for the reason why we are out of City Hall and was told it’s something to do with ventilation. But how come it was never a problem with ventilation before Covid?” Cllr Cheevers asked.
This is a shortened preview version of this story. To read the rest of the article, see the May 5 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can support our journalism and buy a digital edition HERE.

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