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Neighbours appeal against houses plans in place of Claddagh cottage


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Neighbours appeal against houses plans in place of Claddagh cottage Neighbours appeal against houses plans in place of Claddagh cottage

Neighbouring residents have appeal to An Bord Pleanála against the granting of planning permission for the demolition of a replica of an old Claddagh cottage and the building of two new houses on the site.

Galway City Council gave the green light last month for the development which would see the cottage on Fairhill Road Upper, known as Katie’s Claddagh Cottage, which opened as a tourist attraction more than a decade ago, being demolished, along with sheds and a workshop.

Cathriona Walsh was granted planning permission build two houses in their place, one to be occupied by her and her family, and the other by her parents.

But the City Council’s decision is being challenged by residents of two neighbouring houses, who have lodged an appeal with An Bord Pleanála.

The case has been taken to the planning appeals board by Michael and Patrick Lynskey and by Michael and Mary Feeney.

Built by Cathriona Walsh and her family, recreating the traditional thatched houses of the Claddagh fishing village, the cottage on Fairhill Road Upper opened as a tourist attraction more than a decade ago.

Also described as the Claddagh Arts Centre, it was open to visiting groups who wanted a glimpse of life in the village a century ago and more, and hosted many cultural events over the years, as well as serving as a regular base for Galway Hooker Sailing Club events.

One of the two houses granted permission by Galway City Council, now appealed to An Bord Pleanála, will be 2.5 storeys high, with the second house in the background two storeys high.

Among the conditions laid down by city planners was a stipulation that the houses are to be used as single dwelling units and not subdivided and cannot be used for short-term lettings.

An Bord Pleanála is due to make a decision on the appeal by May 13.

Pictured: Katie’s Cottage: objections to houses plan.

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