
Music to brighten January days in Clifden’s Ceol an Gheimhridh


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Music to brighten January days in Clifden’s Ceol an Gheimhridh Music to brighten January days in Clifden’s Ceol an Gheimhridh

Galway’s Ceol an Gheimhridh will take place in Clifden next weekend, on Saturday, January 25.

It’s a smaller and different version of the mainstream Fleadh Cheoil which takes place every May in every county in Ireland, explains Marie Walsh of Clifden Comhaltas, which is hosting the event.

Having been dropped for several years, the Ceol an Gheimhridh competition was relaunched in many counties in 2024, including in Galway.  Last year’s day-long series of music, song and dance competitions was very successful, and entries have almost doubled for 2025, according to Marie.

Competitions, which are taking place in the town’s Scoil Mhuire, are grouped into categories of types of instruments and the age groups featured are Under-11 and 11-14, she adds.

Ceol an Gheimhridh is different from the mainstream Fleadh and has attracted great interest among Comhaltas members countywide, giving them an extra interest and bonus event during the quieter season, Marie says.

This year, the first- and second-prize winners, along with some who place third, will qualify for the Connacht Finals of Ceol an Gheimhridh, which will be held in Swinford, County Mayo, in mid-February.

Clifden Comhaltas is delighted to be hosting the county competition, and Marie and her colleagues extend a warm welcome to participants and their families for the weekend of January 25.

All who are interested in music are welcome along to enjoy the competitions, for a small entry fee of €5.

January is a lovely time of year to visit the popular tourist town, she says, adding that the Connemara Chamber of Commerce and  the business community are delighted to welcome visitors at what’s normally an off-peak time.

Run by the Clifden Comhaltas/Clifden Trad Fest committee, Galway’s Ceol an Gheimhridh is another initiative by the committee to attract more visitors to the region. It also encourages and showcase the talents of its wonderful, local members, and talented young performers from across Galway, says Marie.

■ For more information, go to, email  or phone 086 4015342.

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