
Galway West's Noel Grealish among the Independents touted for shoring up a Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael coalition


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Galway West's Noel Grealish among the Independents touted for shoring up a Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael coalition

Final counts are continuing across the country, but eyes have started to turn towards government formation.

The combination of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil will be very close to a majority in the Dáil.

Basically, after a bit of toing and froing, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil will have to decide do they want to do business with another party, with the stability that can often bring, like a Labour, like a SocDems?

Or do they try to go down the independent route instead?

They’re only a vote off a Dáil majority, but really you need more of a cushion than that because you will lose TDs through the course of a government, through various issues that can’t be predicted at the moment.

So really, you’d like it to be in the mid-90s in terms of seats.

So is it an Independent Ireland, plus a couple of the independents, the Michael Lowrys, Noel Grealish, etc.

That could be an easier option for the government, but it’s still too early to tell.

Bernadette Prendergast spoke to Deputy Noel Grealish minutes after he was elected in the early hours of today and he told me he’ll answer the phone if it rings

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