Galway In Days Gone By
Author: Stephen Corrigan
~ 1 minutes read
From this week's Galway City Tribune
Meat wars
During a discussion at the monthly meeting of the Galway Urban Council last week, it transpired that a victualler from another county was exposing meat for sale in the market place.
The councillors, as the representatives of the ratepayers, very naturally complained of the unfair competition put up by this gentleman with a shop on wheels, who does not contribute a single penny to the city rates, and it was decided to call the attention of the Civic Guard authorities to this form of street trading.
As the law stands at present, a person may trade in the public streets as long as he does not become a nuisance or cause an obstruction. We are not, however, concerned with this aspect of the matter.
What we wish to call attention to is the fact that this victualler is able to sell his meat at less than half the price quoted in the city victuallers’ stalls.
An explanation from the Galway victuallers who protested at the Food Prices Commission in Galway that they were feeding the public at the barest minimum off profit, would be interesting.
Pictured: Boys and girls welcome Santa Claus to Craughwell on December 22, 1991.
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