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Galway City Council denies €250,000 parklet cost is “a wind up”


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Galway City Council denies €250,000 parklet cost is “a wind up” Galway City Council denies €250,000 parklet cost is “a wind up”

Management of Galway City Council has denied that the €250,000 cost of two parklets installed in the city centre was a ‘wind up’ or an April Fool’s joke.

“I’m not winding you up,” insisted Director of Services, Patrick Greene during heated exchanges at the latest Council meeting.

The row revolved around the amount of public money spent on the street furniture, at Middle Street and Dominick Street.

He was responding to a jibe from Councillor Alan Cheevers (FF) who said the price tag of €250,000 for two parklets could not be justified.

“Are you winding us up? . . . It’s a joke,” said Cllr Cheevers.

The Galway City Tribune earlier this year exclusively revealed the cost of the project, after invoices were released following a Freedom of Information request.

The documents showed that some €153,000 had been spent on the project up to May of this year and when all invoices were paid the final price tag would jump to about €250,000.
This is a shortened preview version of this story. To read the rest of the article, see the October 6 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can support our journalism and buy a digital edition HERE.

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