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Developers seek more time to finish big Docks office block


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Developers seek more time to finish big Docks office block Developers seek more time to finish big Docks office block

The developers of the Bonham Quay mixed use office development in the city’s Docks area are seeking more time to complete the massive project.

Three of the four blocks which were granted planning permission have been completed, but the developers say they need an extension of the duration of that permission to build the fourth block.

The office blocks, ranging in height from seven-storey to eight-storey, were given the go-ahead by An Bord Pleanála in August 2018, after several third-party appeals were lodged challenging the decision of Galway City Council to grant planning permission to Bonham Dock III Limited.

Work began in September 2019 on two of the blocks, with the third started in July 2022 – the entire development, over a single basement area, comes to 34,765 square metres.

But planning permission for the whole development – including the as yet unbuilt Block D, named The Montessa Building – is due to run out at the end of this year.

The developers have applied to the City Council for a three-year extension of the lifetime of that permission to allow for the completion of the final, and biggest, block.

It will be an eight-storey building with roof plant above, located along the eastern boundary of the site adjoining Bóthar na Long to the south, for office use at ground level up to level 7, external terraces at Levels 1 to 7 with external links to Block C, and a roof garden at Level 8, with solar panels on the roof.

There will be 11,845sq m of commercial office space and a cultural space at ground floor level.

Remaining work also includes the completion of external public realm areas and minor works at basement level that will take three to four months.

The 7,000-plus sq m single basement level under the four office blocks contains 138 car park spaces, 162 cycle spaces; a commuter centre, office lobby areas, building facilities and plant.

In a submission accompanying the planning application, the company said that about 66% of the building floorspace permitted within the overall development at Bonham Quay was completed.

A majority of the excavation of soil and the forming of basement works are also complete, as are 95% of the below-ground environmental services.

Pictured: The Bonham Quay mixed use offices development overlooking the city’s Docks: The fourth and final block will be built on the elongated site pictured to the left of the completed blocks.

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