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Councillors back enhancement plan for Salthill


From this week's Galway City Tribune

From this week's Galway City Tribune

Councillors back enhancement plan for Salthill Councillors back enhancement plan for Salthill

From this week’s Galway City Tribune – An extension to the Promenade in Salthill has been described as vital for the future development of the village – a huge addition that would be welcomed by local and visitors to the area.

However, Galway City Council has been urged to ensure that any additional developments to Salthill should be first and foremost to the benefit of existing residents as opposed to tourists.

Members of the local authority were discussing the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-29 when it was stated that an extension to the Prom would be highly desirable and particularly from a local perspective.

According to Cllr John Connolly (FF), he and his party colleague Cllr Peter Keane had come up with a strategy for the Prom in consultation with the City Council.

He said there was a desire among the public to see it extended to Silverstrand – it would require planning permission as well as an environmental impact assessment.

In response, Council Chief Executive Brendan McGrath said the draft plan includes a policy to enhance the public realm of Salthill including the implementation of an environmental improvement scheme with particular focus on the main commercial street and in the vicinity of Seapoint and D’Arcy roundabout.

It also includes policies to continue to improve the amenity recreational quality of the area though the preparation of a strategy for the long-term management and enhancement of the Promenade and by the implementation of environmental and coastal improvement schemes.

This is a shortened preview version of this article. To read the rest of this story, see the July 29 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can buy a digital edition HERE.

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