
An Bord Pleanala approves clearance works on Rossaveal stream to prevent flooding of sportsground


An Bord Pleanala approves clearance works on Rossaveal stream to prevent flooding of sportsground

An Bord Pleanala has approved clearance works on Rossaveal stream in Connemara.

The works will be carried out on a section alongside Rossaveel GAA grounds, which has previously flooded due to overgrowth in the water.

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As is the case with many projects in Connemara, the main hurdle is environmental considerations.

And An Bord Pleanala had to examine the project with a wide range of EU directives in mind.

The plan itself is simple – the removal of vegetation and blockages along an 800m stretch of Rossaveal Stream, also known as Cashla River.

Certain sections have become completely overgrown downstream of the sports grounds, leading to water backing up and flooding the pitch.

An Bord Pleanala has now approved the plans with relatively routine conditions when carrying out works of this type in sensitive areas.

Once they begin, it’s expected the works will take a few days to complete.

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